Hi there!top of the morning to you rise&shine my royal one breakfast has been served in bed for you just the way you like it lol..gotchya.

Now i have u where i want its time for us to rub minds so for a while now i have been meaning talk about this issue i know so many of us can relate to it on different levels as petty as it may sound its also a delicate one that should be handled with so much sensitivity because a handful of people have lost important friends&family members due to some nasty bad habits they possess which rubs off on others don’t get me wrong no man or woman is perfect but laws were made for us to abide by& so also to checkmate behaviors. The next time you are thinking of travelling out of our your comfort zone to visit houses of relatives&friends try your possible best to abide to their non negotiable house guest etiquettes&treat their home like its yours that way it would leave them begging you to extend your stay and keep them anticipating for your next visit

1.) Surprise Them With a Gift- your host most times have gone the extra length to prepare for your arrival by keeping the house neat,preparing a room&bed for you to stay in so show some appreciation in return. i know sometimes we make some impromptu trips sometimes with finance as a major constraint but no matter how small it is try to buy something for your host  you know what I mean a little something to get them feeling special,get their hearts all giddy&pumped up I.e a bottle of wine, a packet of their favorite cookies,a packet of green or spicy tea N.B you must be knowledgeable about your their likes before gifting them so you don’t end up buying them things they throw away.

2.)Buy Your Own Extra Groceries – if you are going to be staying with them for more than 3days to be on d safe side since they are offering you their home don’t stress them with feeding you 24/7 especially when you are a picky eater they might not complain but deep down won’t be pleased &if you have some extra cash at hand you could buy some groceries they never even asked for.

3.)Don’t Ever Forget To Travel With Your Towel,Toiletries&Other Essential Cosmetics -this is one of the most common&annoying mistakes most guests make that could be a pet peeve/turn off for your host not everyone likes sharing personal stuff due to their level of hygiene so its a no no situation so ensure when packing up for your trip your bag is well stocked with your basic day to day toilet needs i.e toothbrush,toothpaste,soap,bathing gloves,deodorant,perfumes&body cream. Trust me don’t leave any room to get talked down on because of simple basic things.

4.)Ask About Their House Rules&Abide By Them – I.e their lights out/curfew time to avoid getting locked out or getting into altercations with your host,also should the door be locked when you leave& where you can keep the spare house key they handed to you when running your personal errands.

5.)Lend a Helping Hand-  whatever the case may be let your host know you are more than happy to lend a helping hand even though most times they might say no out of Courtesy&politeness but as time goes on when they get familiar with you they would be comfortable accepting your help I.e is your host trying to slave around to cook you that superb meal in the kitchen offer to help they might not need it all they want might just be an extra company.

6.)Give Them Their Personal Space -as amazing as it might be to have you around please don’t always choke them up with your presence let them have regular breathers get yourself busy by indulging in personal physical pursuits i.e Stay in the room assigned to you reading your favourite novel/magazine,surf through the internet or you could even ask them about fun places in the city you can visit that is if you are new to the environs,ask how to get there so you don’t get lost&you could even extend an invite for them to join you in your lovely excursion.

7.)Leave General Areas tidy&Always Dress Your Beddings- when served meals once you are done eating you could nicely wash your dishes&be kind to help clean up extra ones in the kitchen sink,lay your bed sheets before you leave the house for you daily activities,make sure the lights,electrical equipments are turned out,put the toilet seat down,trash wraps from your groceries,because this might be their biggest pet peeve. P.s when you are staying with friend’s&family whatever you do in your home nonchalantly don’t do it in theirs they might not respond to your messiness&lack of discipline but be sure you won’t get a second invite due to that because nobody’s wants to pick up your slob.

8.)Don’t go through their stuff without asking for permission -I.e avoid bagging into places&taking sneak peeks inside their rooms without permission,don’t Open up their fridges ,kitchen cabinets,Clothing Wardrobes if they are not there its a rude habit that might get them pissed off&disgusted so respect their privacy&personal belongings

9.)Bonus- this isn’t mandatory especially if you are occupied but if u have free time on your hands&you are a good Cook you could surprise your host to a good cooked home made delicacy but if not I would advice you to respect yourself,your not so old age&take them to lunch or dinner if at all need be*lmao or better still if you are buoyant enough & you want to express your gratitude buy them a nice parting gift.

10.)Ring them up/Send Them A Thank You Note- Once you depart from their household&arrive at yours it is your solemn duty to reach out to them,sound really thankful&appreciate them for their selflessness,generosity&sacrifice that played a major role in making your stay a pleasant one because they could have made up zillion excuses why they could not have your over but guess what they did,and this says a lot they their opened their home&world to you. Show them you cherish their efforts i bet your next visit into town would be yearned for .