Happy happy international women’s day to all my sisters across the globe black ,white,hispanic,asian ,all the hardworking relentless,dogged women who are mind blowing confirmed hustlers&divas, goal oriented/goal getters,who strive to excel in all they lay their hands on in life. In case you are unaware or perhaps you have forgotten this is a reminder alert! you all to need to know you are more than enough ,you are a blessing to the world, you are not only life givers but your hearts are as pure&genuine as gold . I do hope you are aware women are the strongest beings to hit planet earth what other gender can bleed for 3-7 days without dying, birth kids,cater for the family, run businesses on the side, work 9-5 jobs,walk in 6-9 inches stiletto heels effortlessly with no hassles whatsoever&still carry themselves with so much grace ..durh its only the female clan shout out to all the women out there for earning their super hero capes& so also I encourage you all out there instead of putting each other down,envying,engaging in baseless gossips about each other let’s follow the world’s global trend support women doing good for themselves,support women in politics,admire their hardworking spirits,work towards your own ambitions because there is enough space in the sky for all of us to shine,encourage them,let us show the men that together everyone can achieve more (We are a TEAM)let us also show the brothers that big girls don’t indulge in cat fights but big girls do big things , big girls contribute their own quotas to national development,carve a niche for themselves & leave their footprints in the sands of times.

The success of one woman should be an Inspiration to another. Cheers mates.


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