Looking Good they say is good business &truth be said the first thing we notice about people are their faces/attractive looks it arrests our attention&we yearn towards having amazing interactions with them aiming to know them better, of course that’s awesome but the question here is how beautiful do they feel on the inside?

Have you ever stopped to wonder why we get disappointed knowing the most beautiful People have the most damaged, psychotic demonic attributes, Sincerely my answer to that is we live in a vicious cruel world.

Its a world filled with people placing so much expectations on you, a world where Loyalty is going out of extinction,we face betrayals,dissatisfaction, immense disappointments &have the ghost of our unrealized dreams continuously hunting us steadily while we get up everyday trying to survive.

Trust me when I say a handful of pretty dashing folks are walking corpses dealing with disturbing larger than life situations beyond what their hearts can handle,they are broken hearted&depressed yes I said it depression is so real& the order of the day its not just a condition only Caucasian people go through even Blacks,Asians,Hispanics& all other races etc.. In most Cases individuals go into this depression phases due to loss of their loved ones,peer pressure/cyber bullying, being laid off from jobs they once cherished or not even finding the right jobs that pays those skyrocketing bills, coming out of abusive relationships both romantic& platonic after all this psychological traumas their brains fail to handle&process them in a positive light they get mental break downs & they in turn lose that Glitz they once had see themselves as failures and when it gets out of hands they begin to have suicidal thoughts and most times they actually put an end to their lives by their own hands.

Behind most perfect warm responses to the how are you doing questions?that come with I’m so fine accompanied by smiles people give us are mirages beneath those are saddened individuals who cry their eyes out to bed until they become so weak&fall asleep they beat themselves over issues,carry those burdens every where they go which subconsciously affects their characters & turns them into evil creatures whose sole purpose is to make sure anyone who comes into their lives feel same heat,sadness they are nursing they are always unhappy with themselves & always ready to lash out at any one that gets in their way.  Sometimes it takes not just judging a book by its incredible cover but having a read through it to understand it,unravel some dark hidden secrets lurking around,numerous skeletons in their cupboards&they dump their bad baggages on friends&families that may not be able to handle their weird one minute Goofy hot the next minute cold Bi-Polar attributes which they find hard to relay to people, before we cut them off i urge us to make a few excuses for them&be patient with them because everyone in life is fighting their own unique battles. If you are under this category&reading this piece my heart&prayers are with you and trust me when I say there’s a bright light after the dark tunnel ,you would overcome it victoriously because guess what you are a warrior & God gives his Toughest battles only to his Strongest soldiers

In Conclusion here are simple ways to get over Dark times

A.)Stay Optimistic always don’t be around people or situations with negative energies those would compound your problems.

B.)No matter how hard it is get a new hobby that would distract you&bring joy to your life I.e reading great motivational books,take dancing or cooking classes, learn a craft etc.

C.)If you can afford it travel out of the current state you live in see a different colorful world& leave your gloomy world behind it would be a breath of fresh air for you.

D.)Visit friends&family members interacting with loved ones is way Therapeutic

E.)Ring cellphones of your family members/friends open up to them they most times have perfect answers to  your situation. They dish out amazing engaging conversations those would lift your spirit.

F.) Go out for leisure activities more often&let the steam off i.e attend  birthdays&wedding celebrations hiking,movies,visit a mall,take long beautiful walks in a park.

G.)Remember you shouldn’t rely on people to stay happy for your happiness comes from you alone,so go on be Happy&live your life to the fullest like a rockstar because you deserve every bit of it.

P.s Please let’s ensure we check up on people in our Lives more often especially those who suddenly have gone off the radar get them to talk about whats going on with them you may never know whose life you would be saving by a simple Phone call.. Cheers Friends XOXO.



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